Gazing down to Earth's last days with heavenly vision, the Bible's last book predicts, "Through sorcery all nations were deceived" (Revelation 18:23). The deception lies in one's understanding of the dead and whether they are alive or not.
Today, the confusion surrounding what happens after you die is more widespread than ever, causing heartache for millions who have lost loved ones. Moreover, Hollywood and television are now focusing intensely on the world of the dead.
This four-part message series is an honest exposure of the media driven fabrication of the afterlife and an in-depth look at the biblical understanding of death. This series offers penetrating insights into this apocalyptic phenomenon as he explores “THE HEREAFTER.”
This resource is a four-part message series that looks at the subject of what happens after death. Many in your congregation are afriad of death and are struggling with understanding it. This is ideal for educating your local church on the subject of the state of the dead.
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What is the condition of the dead? Are they alive? In Heaven, Hell or somewhere in between? In the first message of the Hereafter series, Pastor Tim takes us through the Bible and defines death and the true state of those buried in their graves.
After exposing the error of this great deception by going directly to the source of God’s Word and clearly revealing what the dead are doing once they have finished their time here on earth, Pastor Tim, in this second dramatic presentation explains the awakening of the dead.

In the third message of the series, Pastor Tim reveals how the holiday of Halloween has its meaning in celebrating and communicating with the dead. What might appear as a fun family event might actually be a tool used by Satan is preparing the world for one of his final great deceptions.
Unmasking one of the biggest deceptions of the last days, Pastor Tim shows in this final message, how Satan is using today’s media driven society to pull many away from Jesus just prior to His return. Examining what the Bible says about this lie Pastor Tim hopes to prepare you for the final great deception.